Temple Institute conducts practice passover sacrifice | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Israel |
Written by Chris Perver |
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 14:37 |
The Temple Institute conducted a practice passover sacrifice last week in anticipation of the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple, when the sacrificial system will recommence. It is not the first time the Temple Institute have held the ritual. A couple of years ago a similar drill was conducted by the organization in a basketball court not far from the Temple Mount. Two goats were slaughtered by a Levite dressed in priestly garments, and their blood was sprinkled over a makeshift altar. But this is the first time the complete ceremony has been carried out, including the examination of the lambs for blemishes, the washing of the hands and feet at the laver, the blowing of the silver trumpets, the skinning of the animal and the roasting of its flesh, all according to the Biblical commandment. The Temple Institute stress that this offering is for educational purposes only, as the actual sacrifice can only be carried out on the Temple Mount itself... Quote: “The Kohanim who participated in this drill, all true descendants of Aaron, all wore authentic Priestly garments and recited the appropriate 'blessings' ( in practice mode) which applied to each stage of the commandment's fulfillment. The event was accompanied by blasts from silver trumpets, and the song of the Levitical choir. Other stages of the drill included: examination of the lamb for blemishes, the priests bringing the animal to the Temple courtyard, the shechita and receiving the blood which is brought to the corner of the altar, skinning and separation of the inner parts, and the roasting of the whole lamb as required by the Divine command, in a special Passover oven designed and built for this purpose. The Temple Institute have once again requested that they be allowed to conduct a passover ceremony on the Temple Mount, but the Israeli police have not granted them permission. Things are beginning to change though. For just a few weeks ago, an Israeli Court ruled that it was legal for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, a privilege so far denied to them by the Islamic Waqf that administer the site. And you may remember how the Temple Institute also recently announced that they have completed the construction of the altar of sacrifice. This altar is built in such a way as to be portable, so it can be quickly disassembled and reassembled on the Temple Mount as soon as permission is given for the sacrificial system to recommence. Today's news shows us just how close we may be to the commencement of Daniel's seventieth week (Daniel 9:27). Once only the subject of debate by prophecy scholars, now the prospect of a rebuilt Jewish temple and renewed sacrificial system are here for all to see. And if this is so, then how close must we be to the return of the Lord for His saints? The rebuilding of the Temple and the passover sacrifice are concepts that are probably completely alien to the thinking of most people in the world today. And sad to say, the meaning behind these sacrifices are also concealed to those who are seeking to reinstate them. For the sacrifices of the Old Covenant were merely pointing to the ultimate sacrifice that was to be made by the Messiah for sin. Yeshua HaMashiach – Jesus Christ, was that Passover Lamb (1st Corinthians 5:7). He was that Lamb of God that bore away the sin of the world (John 1:29). He was without blemish and without spot (Exodus 12:5, 1st Peter 1:19). He was inspected by the whole house of Israel for the three and a half years of His earthly ministry (Exodus 12:3, 6). Pilate could say of Him, 'I find in Him no fault at all', John 18:38. He was sacrificed between the evenings on the cross of Calvary (Exodus 12:6, Mark 15:34). And the Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53:6). But there was still one more thing that Israel needed to do in order for the firstborn to be saved. The lamb's blood had to be applied to the door posts. It's no good the lamb dying if the blood is not applied. And it's the same for us today. Even though the Lord Jesus Christ has died for the sins of the whole world, unless we personally apply His blood to our hearts by trusting in Him for salvation, we will not be saved. How do we do that? Just by accepting that Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sin was enough for us to be forgiven. The Jewish people have a song they like to sing at Passover time. It's called Dayenu – or 'enough for us'. It tells the story of the exodus from Egypt, how that we are completely undeserving of God's grace, and that even if God had only granted a small deliverance it would have been enough to prove His goodness. But we are so thankful for the great salvation God has provided for us, not only delivering us from Egypt, but also from our sins and providing a way whereby we can be forgiven and enjoy a wonderful relationship with God throughout eternity.
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