Austria wants EU to draft Palestinian resolutionPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chris Perver  
Sunday, 04 September 2011 16:30

Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger has suggested that the European Union should draft its own framework for the establishment of a Palestinian state as the deadline for a vote at the United Nations draws near. So far there has been little indication from the Palestinian Authority as to what form their proposed resolution will take, whether they will press for full recognition of an independent Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem, or whether they will be content with an upgraded status in the UN General Assembly. President Mahmoud Abbas is due to deliver a speech on the issue within the next week. It's not the first time politicians have suggested that the European Union come up with an agreement all parties could sign up to. In March of this year officials at the United Nations revealed how that Britain, France and Germany had expressed hope that the EU and UN could formulate a Middle East peace agreement in the absence of any progress from the US government. But the Obama administration scuppered the plan as soon as it was revealed, declaring that they were the ones who were calling the shots in the peace process and not the Europeans. Shortly after that, Obama gave his policy speech on the Middle East, a last-ditch attempt to 'bridge the gaps' and bring both sides back to the negotiating table. It failed.

Quote: "While Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal sided with opponents of the Palestinian move, also calling for a peace deal "based on an agreement between all parties", tiny Luxembourg urged a compromise. “We cannot give nothing to the Palestinians," said Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn. The EU needed to hammer out an option "to give them dignity", he said.

The Bible seems to indicate that the European Union, the revived Roman Empire of Daniel's prophecy, will be heavily involved in the division of God's land during the tribulation period. Daniel 9:26-27 indicate that it will be the ruler of the people that destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70AD who will strengthen a covenant between Israel and many nations prior to the return of Christ. This covenant would be agreed for a period of seven years. But after just three and a half years, the one who strengthens the agreement will himself break it, resulting in the division of the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem (Daniel 11:39, Zechariah 12:2, Revelation 11:2). It's very interesting that just within the past few months has the president of the European Union been granted the authority to address the United Nations on behalf of its member states. And as we saw in the last article, there is a great emphasis now being made of the need for the EU to 'speak with one voice' in relation to the Palestinian question. Now the Palestinian Authority is seeking to establish a state in Judah and east Jerusalem. Clearly the way is being prepared for the fulfilment of these prophecies, just like the Bible said.

Rather than bringing peace to the Middle East, the Bible predicts that this peace process will result in a time of great trouble (1st Thessalonians 5:3). Daniel 12:1 predicts that there will come a time of trouble such as never was since the nation of Israel existed. The Lord Jesus Christ also said of it that there "shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be", Matthew 24:21. It will be a horrendous time for Israel. Surrounded by enemies on all sides, forced to give up their land, all nations gathered together against Jerusalem to do battle. As the prophet Jeremiah said, "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it", Jeremiah 20:7. Praise God that Israel's true Messiah is coming back, "and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn", Zechariah 12:10. Only when the nation of Israel has nowhere else to turn, will they turn to the one they once rejected. And Jesus Christ will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and set up an everlasting kingdom which shall never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Praise God He is coming back. We don't know exactly when that will be, but as you can see by the things that are happening in the world today, it must be soon. The question is, are you ready to meet God? Have your sins been forgiven? Have you trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation today.

Revelation 22:20
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Source EJPress
