They will look on Me whom they piercedPDFPrintE-mail
The Word
Written by Jacob Chacko Kallara  
Tuesday, 11 April 2017 02:54

"And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as on mourns for his only son, and grieves for Him as one grieves for a firstborn." - Zechariah 12 V10

"But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out." - John 19 V34

The death of Christ, in fact the exact manner of His death, was prophesied several hundred years before Christ came into this world. His birth and death were foretold and for this very cause He came into the world that men may have life by believing in His name. Christ will return one day to earth and this time He will return in His glory and the nation of Israel will see Him and mourn for Him. Jesus fulfilled all prophecies concerning Himself during His first coming and He will fulfill all prophecies foretold about His second coming. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and there is no other way to the Father.

Praise God!

"And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work." - Jesus Christ

Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!