World desire for 2007 is 'peace'PDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chris Perver  
Sunday, 31 December 2006 17:00
This link from my friend Jim and Adam...

As one year passes and another year begins, the nations reflect on what has been and look forward to the future. 2006 has been a year of "wars and rumours of wars", with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan continuing. The US has suffered its 3000th death as a result of the conflict in Iraq, and Saddam Hussein was executed marking the end of a long chapter in Iraqi history. Iran threatens the world with nuclear weapons. Syria, Hizbullah and Hamas are preparing for a new war in the Middle East, unless peace is forthcoming. And among all this, world leaders are desperately searching for a solution to it all. According to the China Daily, the global hope in 2007 is for peace.

Quote: "At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI prayed for peace in the Middle East, asking that people work "courageously" to a lasting end to the Holy Land's conflict. "How can one not turn one's glance yet again to the dramatic situation which characterizes the very land where Jesus was born?" the pontiff said Monday in his homily in St. Peter's Basilica during Mass. He described peace as a "gift."

We know of course there will be no real peace until the Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth to set up his kingdom. But on an individual level it is possible to experience real peace. My mum and dad bought me a mobile phone for Christmas, and I sent a message to a few of the people whose numbers I had, wishing them to know God's peace in 2007. I think this is a good phrase, because I can say this to both unbeliever and Christian. Jesus Christ made peace for us through the blood of His cross (Colossians 1:20-22), and I pray that the unbeliever would find that peace with God. For the Christian, I pray that God's peace would become real in their lives, and help them through the difficult times. Do you know real peace in your life? Do you want to know real peace in your life? No Jesus, no peace - know Jesus, know peace. Turn to Jesus Christ for salvation today.

Source China Daily
