Olmert meets Abbas to discuss PA statePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chris Perver  
Monday, 06 August 2007 05:55

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority in Jericho today, for their first meeting to discuss the creation of a Palestinian state. Topics on the agenda included final status issues, such as the borders of a future Palestinian state, the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees and the division of the Holy City. The Prime Minister's Office refused to give precise details on what was discussed by the two leaders, but President Abbas said he "came to discuss fundamental issues outstanding between Israel and the Palestinian Authority", and that he "hoped the negotiations would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state". Olmert old reporters that he intended to establish a "skeleton" agreement with Abbas, the details of which would be "filled in" during the regional peace conference proposed by President Bush to be held later this year.

Quote: "As a result, Israeli officials said, the idea that has emerged is for Olmert and Abbas to sketch out - during biweekly meetings before the regional meeting that Bush plans to convene in the fall - the skeleton of a future arrangement, and then to use that regional meeting to begin "filling in the details." For instance, the officials said, the two may very well agree before the regional meeting on an "agreement of principles" that will include a declaration of support for a two-state solution and the need to reach an accommodation on Jerusalem. Exactly where the two states would run, or how sovereignty would be divided in Jerusalem, would be left for later.

I find this report intriguing on several counts... that an Israeli Prime Minister should meet with a Palestinian Authority President in Jericho of all places, a city that was cursed by God and commanded never to be rebuilt (Joshua 6:26). Even during the Lord's ministry on this earth, He passed through the city but would not preach in it or do any miracle there (Luke 19:1). Surely just as God cursed the ancient Canaanite city, this agreement between Olmert and Abbas is also under a curse. "Skeleton" agreement also seems an unfortunate phrase for the Prime Minister to use in light of Biblical prophecy, which reveals that a covenant of peace such as this will commence a time of unparalleled persecution for the Jewish people. The Bible also states in Daniel 9:27 that the Antichrist will be the one to "strengthen" an existing agreement between Israel and its surrounding nations, and he will be the one that will divide the land for gain. So it is interesting that the Prime Minister is seeking to establish a "Agreement of Principles" with the Palestinians at this time. Clearly both leaders are currently incapable of carrying out the division of God's land, and it will take a third party - the European Union, to bring about the covenant with many.

Source Jerusalem Post
