Javier Solana - Antichrist? | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Prophecy |
Written by Chris Perver |
Saturday, 16 June 2007 12:37 |
This article examines the life of Javier Solana, the High Representative for the European Common, Foreign and Security Policy, and the Scriptures concerning the Antichrist, who will strengthen a peace agreement with Israel and the surrounding nations.
Please note before reading. I am not saying Javier Solana is the Antichrist. All I am trying to do here is compare well known prophecies in the Scriptures concerning the Antichrist and the feats he will accomplish, with public knowledge of the man, Javier Solana. Another man could well fulfil all these prophecies. But the best we can do until "that Wicked" is finally revealed (2nd Thessalonians 2:8) is to make an educated guess as much as the signs of the times allow. I don't know if the European Neighbourhood Policy is the "seven year covenant with many" or not, all we can do is wait and see. For further information on Javier Solana, check through the news postings using the search function. I have tried to summarize the information as best I can here. Luke 21:28 He shall use peace to destroy many (Daniel 8:25) Quote: "Some officials believe Sharon doesn't want Israelis meeting with the Quartet envoys to make sure his "unilateral" pullout plan doesn't look like a diplomatic move. Sharon has portrayed the plan as a security measure meant to reduce friction between Israelis and Palestinians. The EU has pledged to boost the Palestinian economy with 60 million Euros, and Europe is already training the Palestinian police force. All efforts for peace in the Middle East are already supported by the EU through the Barcelona Process, which started in 1995. When asked how he has been so successful, Javier Solana says the key to his achievement is to never make enemies, and never ask a question to which you do not know or like the answer to. Javier Solana is now personally involved in the EU's peace efforts in the Middle East. He will be visiting Gaza, Israel and the surrounding nations to co-ordinate a new agreement brokered with the Palestinians, the Israelis and the Quartet (EU, UN, US and Russia) whereby the EU will monitor the Gaza border with Egypt at Rafah. This is the first time Israel has even allowed a third party to monitor border crossings during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And that it is the EU is especially significant - seeing just a few years ago Ariel Sharon told Javier Solana that the EU should let Israel deal with its own affairs, for Israelis up until now considered the EU to be just a financial benefactor rather that a strong regional power. Javier Solana replied to Sharon that Israel "had to deal with the EU whether he liked it or not". But everything is happening just like the Bible said it would. Quote: "Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declined to meet with Solana, saying that because of an EU vote against Israel (regarding the peace wall) at the UN that Israel would not work with the EU, notwithstanding despite its prominence on the Quartet for Peace in the Middle East. Solana stunned the world, Israel included, by replying that like it or not, both he and the EU were there to stay on the Israeli-Palestinian decision making processes. He shall honour the god of forces (Daniel 11:38) Quote: "When Canadian pilots joined in the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in March 1999, we were told by Lloyd Axworthy and Art Eggleton that the intervention in Kosovo was necessary to prevent the violence there from spreading and de-stabilizing the Balkans. Yet we now know that long before the bombing it was NATO countries themselves that were inciting violence in Kosovo and attempting to de-stabilize that Serbian province. Now Javier Solana is reaping the rewards from his sterling efforts in the Balkans, which he viewed as a great victory for NATO at a time when the alliance was facing irrelevance. Now the divided Yugoslav states are seeking to become full members of the European Union. Javier Solana was responsible for brokering an agreement with Russia over the future NATO expansion to former Soviet satellite countries, of which Russia previously had great reservations about - NATO being a former cold war adversary. He was given a standing ovation by leaders who though such a deal was impossible. His expansion plan for NATO would see many members added to the club, which now has relations with almost every country in the Northern Hemisphere. In 1999 he was commissioned to be the Secretary General of the WEU, the European Union's "military arm". He is currently the West's only foreign minister that is capable of deploying troops on the ground. On July 12th, 2004 he was appointed head of the European Defence Agency, a body which aims to streamline European Defence initiatives. Quote: "The need to bolster Europe's military capabilities to match our aspirations is more urgent than ever. And so, too, is the need for us to respond better to the challenges facing our defence industries. This Agency can make a huge difference" - Javier Solana, Head of EDA He is also advocating the implementation of the EU's 2010 Headline Goal, effectively a military response group which can be deployed in the event of an emergency. Quote: "4. The ability for the EU to deploy force packages at high readiness as a response to a crisis either as a stand-alone force or as part of a larger operation enabling follow-on phases, is a key element of the 2010 Headline Goal. These minimum force packages must be military effective, credible and coherent and should be broadly based on the Battlegroups concept. This constitutes a specific form of rapid response, and includes a combined arms battalion sized force package with Combat Support and Combat Service Support. Rapid reaction calls for rapid decision making and planning as well as rapid deployment of forces. On decision making, the ambition of the EU is to be able to take the decision to launch an operation within 5 days of the approval of the Crisis Management Concept by the Council. On the deployment of forces, the ambition is that the forces start implementing their mission on the ground, no later than 10 days after the EU decision to launch the operation. Relevant air and naval capabilities would be included. The need for reserve forces should be taken into account The timing of the formation of this Rapid Response Force also significant. This initiative will be being completed just as the European Neighbourhood Policy will be reaching its mid-term review. Europe will therefore have a force capable of being deployed anywhere in world within 5-10 days, should any particular country decide to step out of line. This is especially significant if the European Neighbourhood Policy does end up being the fulfilment of Daniel 9:27, because we know that the Antichrist does deploy a force in the Middle East, in response to a crisis there... Daniel 11:41-44 European countries are also working towards the goal of implementing the GMES (Global Monitoring of Environment and Security), a network of satellites that will provide Europe with a "Spy in the Sky". The prime aim of the GMES is to provide security to European borders. It will also ensure member states are complying with EU regulations, such as the common agricultural and fisheries policies. Quote: "Reviewing the various user needs, it was established that GMES has to support the following EU objectives and policy domains: * Europe's environmental commitments, within EU territory and globally, by contributing to the formulation, implementation and verification of the Community environmental policies, national regulations and international conventions; The pilot stage of the project was officially launched on the 15th of November, and is expected to be completed by around 2010. If Europe intends to have its own army which will capable of being launched to deal with any "situation" in the world within 5-10 days, it will have to have a fast, efficient communication system, and the GMES fills this role. He shall magnify himself to the prince of the host (head of the EU army - Daniel 8:11) Quote: "At the Brussels European summit, all 25 member states agreed to pool assets - police, civil protection and military - and place them at the disposal of Javier Solana, the EU's foreign minister-in-waiting. Such a move had been planned in the constitution which was rejected by voters in France and Holland last year. The constitution has been left on the shelf although Europe's leaders want it up and running again by 2008. Minutes of the summit show that the kernel of the counter-terrorism force, the "crisis steering group", will be operational in a fortnight. On the 21st of November, 2005, European leaders, prompted by the head of the European Defence Agency - Javier Solana, agreed to pool their defence markets in a move that could pave the way for the creation of an EU army. This legislation was also originally part of the Constitution package, but the EU leaders took it upon themselves to adopt it into law behind our backs. This along with the creation of the EU anti-terror force could pave the way for the fulfilment of these verses. Daniel 11:31 Daniel 8:11 He shall not regard the God of his fathers (Daniel 11:37) He shall not regard the desire of women (Daniel 11:37) By his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand (Daniel 8:25)
Quote: ""The crisis in the Palestinian territories and in Lebanon make extremely grave and worrisome bounds from hour to hour," the letter said. The two theatres of crisis "place the security and political equilibrium of the entire region in danger," it said. In the "two distinct crises," the EU. "has weight and credibility" that could be used toward finding solutions, Chirac said in the letter, dated Thursday and made public Friday. The letter noted that the president was reiterating a proposal made in June. He suggested that Solana, who visited Beirut last weekend and was currently in Cairo, work in conjunction with the United Nations to meet with all figures necessary to "very quickly make proposals to reach conditions for a global and lasting cease-fire in the region." Following the conflict between Hizbullah and Israel in July-August 2006, the UN Security Council brokered a cease fire between the two sides. As part of the UN resolution that resulted in the cease fire, it was agreed that the international community would send a force into Lebanon to prevent fighting breaking out again. Europe has mobilized over 7000 troops to patrol the southern border of Lebanon, the biggest force the EU has launched in its history. As a result of this many EU ministers have been stating that Europe has a new-found role in the Middle East, a peacekeeping role that for the first time is backed up by a credible military force. This is exactly the situation what Daniel predicted would be the case during the 70th week or the seven year tribulation period. Quote: ""The time has come for European efforts to relaunch peace in the Middle East," he [Spanish Foreign Minister Miquel Angel Moratinos] said Friday after his EU counterparts met in Brussels with UN chief Kofi Annan. "Europeans are gaining more in credibility, in presence and engagement in the future of this region, which is our region," he said Saturday. Italy, which will be the the force's biggest contributor with up to 3,000 soldiers and which will take over its command next February from France, was hopeful that the commitment would mark a new era of EU influence in the region. "It's the first time that Europe assumes such a strong responsibility in the region and we hope there will be a change, not only for the stabilisation of the border between Israel and Lebanon, but also to push peace in the whole region" said Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema. With European troops now on the ground in the Middle East, the EU has an added means of making sure any future peace agreement takes hold in the region. The EU is effectively trying to create an environment in which a peace agreement with many nations could be signed. Javier Solana is now pushing for EU ministers to pave the way for new talks for the Middle East, aimed at bringing security to Israel and a lasting peace to the entire region (or "peace and safety" as mentioned in Thessalonians 5:3). Quote: "EU President Finland is hosting the meeting in a 17th century fortress in the town of Lapeenranta, where ministers will study how to leverage their growing military presence as peacekeepers in southern Lebanon to bring about regional talks. European officials argue that the fragile ceasefire between Israel and Lebanese Hizbullah guerrillas and continuing Israeli-Palestinian violence can be resolved only by a political process leading to a negotiated settlement. In efforts to win a wider Middle East peace, a spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said he would urge ministers to pave the way for new talks based on a return to Israel's 1967 borders "plus or minus agreed minor adjustments". And what better man to help broker any future peace agreement than Javier Solana himself? The current EU President Erkki Tuomioja has stated Javier Solana has been given a mandate by EU Foreign Ministers to be directly involved in the Middle East peace process on the behalf of Europe. Quote: "Ministers agreed that united action by the EU over the summer had made a positive impact on efforts to stabilize the situation in the Middle East. Tuomioja said that EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana already has the mandate of the member states of EU to work to move the peace process forward and to be in contact with all the parties involved. He particularly emphasized the importance of cooperation with the United States and Arab nations. Javier Solana's European Neighbourhood Policy, is to last from 2007-2013, with a mid-term review period, in which Javier Solana himself will be involved. 16 nations have signed up, including Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Israel signed up in December 2004. All countries will have their agreements confirmed on January 1st, 2007. It's prime aim is to bring security and political control to Europe's borders as mentioned above. Some people have stated, and I was also of the impression, that this agreement could not be the covenant of Daniel 9:27, due to the differences in the prophetic 360 day calendar and our present calendar of 365 days. But examining the workings of the 360 day calendar, this may not pose a problem. The European Neighbourhood Policy lasts for a period of 2557 days, with each year containing 365 days, plus 2 days for leap years. The prophecy of Daniel runs according to the Jewish calendar, which contains only 360 days per year, giving a total of 2520 days. The Jews had a system of adding extra days to their years so that the seasons didn't drift - 30 days after every six years, and 30 days after four years on the seven succession. Quote: "The (European) Commission will draw up periodic reports on progress and on areas requiring further efforts, taking into account assessments made by the authorities of the partner country. The Action Plans will be reviewed and may be adapted in the light of progress towards meeting the priorities for action. It is suggested that a "mid-term" report be prepared by the Commission, with the contribution of the High Representative on issues related to political co-operation and the CFSP, within two years of the approval of an action plan and a further report within three years. These reports can serve as a basis for the Council to decide the next step in contractual links with each partner country. These could take the form of European Neighbourhood Agreements whose scope will be defined in the light of progress in meeting the priorities set out in the Action Plans. Just before the 10th Anniversary (27-28th November 2005) of the Barcelona Process - also known as EuroMed, Javier Solana commented on the progress made so far by Europe in the Middle East region. EuroMed itself is a framework of agreements between the European Union and 10 Middle Eastern nations. These are Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. EuroMed is not a peace process in itself, but aims to resolve regional conflicts at the same time as providing political and economic reforms, helping to bring about stability. It was born out of the Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, and is thought of more as a means of supporting any real peace agreement that may come about in the future. Javier Solana states that the EU is planning to launch a "governance facility" (perhaps the ENP?) with Mediterranean countries. This will provide economic assistance for those states doing their best to bring about political and economic reforms (or "political control" from Europe). Just like the Middle East covenant that will be confirmed by the Antichrist in the book of Daniel, this "governance facility" is to last for seven years - by Javier's own admission. Quote: "Many Mediterranean countries say they want to advance on the path of political reform but that it should be home-grown and that they need help. I agree. So I am pleased that the EU will launch a so-called governance facility. This will not be a cosmetic initiative, but one that, over seven years, will offer several hundred million euros to those countries that are making the greatest efforts concerning governance reform. They can then spend the extra money on the priorities they have set themselves. This is what I call a true partnership for political reform. Here's another interesting article on the ENP, from my friend Stephen. It gives a brief outline on how the ENP represents the future for EU expansion, an alternative to enlargement of the union, and explains its aims to offer member states three things, prosperity, stability and security. Quote: "Prosperity: A lack of economic prospects is linked to political unrest, radicalisation and is one of the factors pushing people to do dangerous illegal migration. We address this through offering trade opportunities, support for macro-economic reforms, advice on investment-friendly business climates. By supporting the countries' own reform efforts, we also benefit the EU since our continued growth requires new markets. (Daniel 7:23, the fourth beast shall "devour the whole earth") He shall be the prince of the people that destroyed Jerusalem (Daniel 9:26) In October1999, Javier Solana finished his term as Secretary General of NATO, and became Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The Council of the European Union is the main decision making body for the EU. Javier Solana also holds two other important posts in Europe, the High Representative for the European Common, Foreign and Security Policy, and Secretary General of the WEU. These are possibly the highest posts currently achievable in the three organizations, and Javier Solana has all of them. In that sense Javier Solana is a "prince" or literally a ruler, and not a "king", i.e. he has no kingdom as such (yet). Compare this with Daniel 7:24, which states the ten horns are ten "kings" which shall arise. That fact that Javier Solana is Spanish may tie in with another Scripture. According to Daniel, Spain may be a significant player in the EU. Daniel 7:24 states, "And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them...". After the ten kings arise, another arises after them. Spain happens to be the 11th member of the European Union (i.e. it arose after the 10). The fact that the Secretary General of the WEU, and High Representative for the CFSP for the EU, and Secretary General of the Council of Europe happens to be Spanish is therefore quite significant. And when you consider that Spain also hosts the Barcelona Process, which aims to bring about peace in the Middle East, is currently calling for a global "alliance of civilizations", and Javier Solana is responsible for a seven year covenant with many nations (The European Neighbourhood Policy) adds to the significance of this statement. He will head a 10 nation federation (Daniel 7:24) He will be of a kingdom that will engulf the whole world (Daniel 7:23) Of the WEU, there are 10 full members (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, United Kingdom), there are 8 affiliate members (Czech republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak republic, Slovenia), 3 associate members (Iceland, Norway, Turkey), 2 affiliate associate members (Bulgaria, Romania), 5 observers (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden), 2 affiliate observers (Cyprus, Malta), 1 affiliate associate partner (Croatia), 2 permanent guests (Russia, Ukraine) and 4 special guests (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM or Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro). That makes the WEU a possible alliance of 37 nations. There are now 25 nations involved in the EU with currently 4 awaiting application for membership, and the European Neighbourhood Policy will directly influence the politics of another 16 nations outside Europe. Russia is being brought closer to Europe, along with all her Soviet satellites states, as was seen in the recent elections in the Ukraine, in which a pro-European President, Victor Yuschenko was elected after a political dispute with a Kremlin backed leader. He will be of a kingdom that is divided, partly strong and partly weak, and shall not cleave to each other (Daniel 2:41-43) He will uproot three kings (Daniel 7:24) All these nations are also members of the UN Security Council. Javier Solana is seeking to replace these nations' seats on the Council with just one European seat, representing the voice of Europe in world affairs. This event could also fulfil the above Scripture, if a head of the European Union were to "uproot" those seats. Quote: "In an interview with Die Welt, the EU's high representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, offers some suggestions for how the current crisis in the European Union could be avoided in the future. A "possible cause" for the rift between the EU fifteen is the fact that the EU is not represented by one seat in the United Nations Security Council. "The EU is not represented by one seat in the United Nations. But the problems were created in the United Nations." He noted the differences of opinion ran exactly between the four members of the Security Council - the UK and France (as permanent members) and Spain and Germany (as non-permanent members). "Imagine what influence Europe could have had if it had spoken with one voice?" asked Mr Solana. Speaking with one voice is not just something for the Union in the UN but for "the EU as a whole." Revelation 13:5 On Friday the 22nd of June, 2007, British Prime Minister Tony Blair signed the new European "treaty", an EU Constitution in all but name according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Constitution author Giscard d'Destaing and others. For the first time in history the European Union will have the right to make international treaties without the blessing of member states. The new "treaty" also creates permanent posts of EU President and EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs. The EU will also be given the power to represent all European states at the United Nations Security Council, if and when Europe has common agreement on foreign policy. Quote: "Provisions, drawn word for word from the old constitution, giving the EU "foreign minister" speaking rights from Britain's and France's UN seats will be included in a draft treaty to be presented to a meeting of foreign ministers on Monday, diplomats have confirmed. "When the Union has defined a position on a subject which is on the United Nations Security Council agenda, those member states which sit on the Security Council shall request that the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs be asked to present the Union's position," the text states. He will grow great towards the South and the East (Daniel 8:9) Daniel 8:9-11 Quote: Javier Solana - "The European Neighbourhood Policy is not a policy aimed at EU enlargement; it neither foresees it nor excludes it. The policy is in the first place aimed at developing closer relations between the European Union and its new neighbours to the East and the South, making them benefit as much as possible from their proximity to the EU. There is so much work to be done and there are so many opportunities to co-operate more effectively in the fields of trade, reforms, in fighting terrorism, crime and corruption, in working more closely together in foreign and security policy that there is no real reason at this stage to think about what might happen in the longer term. His number is six hundred threescore and six (666 - Revelation 13:18) The first document issued in 1998 by the European commission was called Article 666, and which called for the immediate election of a High Representative for the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy who would have a "strong political profile", and be backed by "credible operational capabilities". Quote: "666. In December the Vienna European Council expressed the opinion that the Secretary-General of the Council and High Representative for the CFSP should be appointed as soon as possible and be a personality with a strong political profile. It invited the Council to prepare common strategies on Russia, Ukraine, the Mediterranean region and the western Balkans, on the understanding that the first would be on Russia. Welcoming the new impetus given to the debate on a common European policy on security and defence, the European Council also noted that the CFSP should be backed by credible operational capabilities The second document, called "Recommendation 666", which was drafted by Javier Solana himself in 2000, called for special powers to be given to the High Representative, enabling him to take control of European political and military councils in the event of an emergency. Quote: "12) Support proposals for the WEU Secretary-General and CFSP High Representative to preside over the PSC (Political and Security Committee) and civilian crisis-management machinery and give him powers to convene the Council of the European Union in the event of an emergency; In the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease (Daniel 9:27) The European Union has agreed an Action Plan that seeks to upgrade the minimum standards of treatment for animals throughout the European Union, and aims to support the protection and welfare of animals throughout the world. This Action Plan will come into force for the period from 2006 to 2010, after which it will become necessary for the document to be reviewed. Quote: "For the period 2006-2010, five main areas of action are set out to meet this objective: upgrading minimum standards for animal welfare; promoting research and alternative approaches to animal testing; introducing standardised animal welfare indicators; better informing animal handlers and the general public on animal welfare issues; and supporting international initiatives for the protection of animals. Detailed background on each area of action is outlined in the Action Plan, in the accompanying impact assessment and Commission working document, along with an indicative timetable for the planned initiatives. The European Union currently guarantees the right of the Jewish religion to perform animal sacrifices (shechita), even though no sacrifices have been carried out since the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. Quote: "The Vice President assured the CER delegation that he regards attempts to restrict Jewish ritual slaughter (shechita) as contraventions of EU law and said he would be contacting the Belgian Interior Minister over the issue following attempts in the Belgian Senate to place restrictions on shechita in Belgium. If the Jewish Temple is reconstructed, the Jews will be required to immediately start performing sacrifices for sin. If this agreement is reviewed by Europe in 2010, which falls in the middle of the seven year European Neighbourhood Policy (the midst of the week), it could be possible that Europe would decide to prohibit animal sacrifices for humanitarian reasons. New World Order Other Prophecies There is only one particular prophecy regarding the Antichrist that is not mentioned in the above text. It was spoken of by Zechariah regarding an "idol shepherd", just verses after the prophecy concerning Christ's betrayal and crucifixion. His arm shall be withered and he shall be blind in his right eye (Zechariah 11:15-17) It is noteworthy that these verses are so close to the prophecy concerning Christ and His rejection. These verses speak of an idol shepherd (ruler of Israel) that Israel would accept, but would not treat Israel well. This is paralleled by the words of Christ in John 5. John 5:43 The Sanhedrin were legally responsible for the prosecution of the Messiah, and they will be legally responsible for proclaiming the false Messiah during the tribulation period. The Sanhedrin was reformed in October 2004, for the first time in 1600 years. There are a number of different views on the "wounding" of the Beast. Some believe this "wound" represents the destruction of the Roman Empire, being revived under the auspices of the EU. Others believe this is a literal assassination attempt on the Antichrist himself. I am of no particular persuasion, possibly both views may be right. Here I will simply explain the second opinion. It seems that this false Messiah will sustain injuries to himself, in either an assassination attempt or during a conflict, resulting in wounds to his head and arm. This is also mentioned in Revelation, and subsequent to this attack the Antichrist stages a false resurrection in mockery of Christ's resurrection, which causes the whole world to wonder after him in admiration. Note the specific mention of a wound "by a sword", as in Zechariah. It seems that this will be a physical assassination attempt on the Antichrist himself.... Revelation 13:3-14 The king of fierce countenance (Daniel 8:23) Daniel 8:23-24 Source Europa, Jerusalem Post, EU Observer, Phillyburbs, Angola Press, Greg Wolf, Evatt Machado, DeltaX, Security Conference, Spiegel, EDA, GMES, Telegraph, BBC, Cephas Ministry, Madariaga Foundation, WAIS, Greg Wolf, EU, Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem Post, Easy Bourse, Yahoo, Reuters, China View, Europa, Europa, 360 Calendar , European Commission Delegation, Europa, SE Times, Council of Europe, EurUnion, Wikipedia, Bits.de, WEU, Europa, Jews For Morality, Global Policy, Daily Mail , Caucaz, Europa, WEU Assembly, Welcome Europe, Conference of European Rabbis, Javier Solana, Parascope, Arutz 7 |
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