Palestinian leaders decry 'holocaust' in GazaPrint
Written by Chris Perver  
Saturday, 01 March 2008 10:00

The Israeli Defence Force entered Gaza this morning in an operation aimed at bringing an end to the incessant rocket fire from the Palestinian territory that has so far resulted in the death of one man and the wounding of around a hundred others. The present crisis began when an eight year old child lost his leg after he was hit by shrapnel from a Kassam rocket. On Wednesday a father of four was killed when a Kassam landed near the Sapir College car park. On Friday Hamas announced they had fired over 80 rockets at Israel within the past few days. Another 50 were launched at Israel today. At least fifteen of these rockets have been advanced Katyusha missiles, manufactured in Iran and brought into Gaza through Egypt during last month's breach at the Rafah border. Several of these missiles landed as far north as Ashkelon, and Hamas representatives boasted that soon all of Israel would be within striking distance. In response to the rocket fire Israel cut fuel supplies to the Strip, and is mounting attacks on Kassam launch cells. Many civilians have been killed during Israel's strikes in Gaza, although it is important to note that Hamas often uses children to point their Kassam launchers, for they know it will put off the Israelis from targeting the launchers. And while Israel does everything in its power to avoid civilian casualties, Hamas actively seeks to kill as many civilians as possible. On Friday, Israeli Deputy Defence Minister Vilnai made a statement that Hamas' actions would bring about a "shoah" upon the Palestinian people. 'Shoah' is the Hebrew word for 'catastrophe', but it also the word used to describe the Holocaust. His words were misunderstood by the mainstream media, and used to infer that Israel would inflict suffering on the Palestinian people similar to that experienced by the Jews during the Second World War. Palestinian leaders have since jumped on the bandwagon, stating that Israel's attacks in Gaza are worse than a holocaust, and are threatening to suspend the peace talks.

Quote: ""I think it will be suspended," Qureia said. "What is happening in Gaza is a massacre of civilians, women and children, a collective killing, genocide," Qureia added. "We can't bear what the Israelis are doing, and what the Israelis are doing doesn't lend the peace process any credibility."

Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal also slammed Israel for the escalation in Gaza, stating that the Jewish people exaggerated the Holocaust and are using it to blackmail the whole world. He said that Israel's actions in Gaza were the "real holocaust". Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas also slammed Israel for what he said was "more than a holocaust", and asked that the world judge for themselves who it is that is committing international terrorism. Other states such as Libya are now becoming involved in the situation, calling on Arabs to end what they called a campaign aimed at "wiping out the Palestinian people".

Quote: ""Libya calls on Arabs to take an urgent position to stop the Zionist machine of mass killing and muster political and material support to rescue the sons of the Palestinian people from this Zionist shoah," the Libyan ministry said. "Libya also calls on the international community to shoulder their responsibility to halt this mass killing." 

It is plain to see where the policies of land for peace and President Bush's vision of two states are leading. The Jewish people suffered once before, and back then they didn't have any land. Not a single government in the world was willing to harbour those Jews fleeing from their Nazi persecutors. Are things really that much different, now the Jewish people have their own state? I don't think so. According to Scripture, things will continue to get worse for Israel. But there is hope. For following the greatest time of trouble the nation has ever experienced (Daniel 12:1), the Jewish people will turn to their Messiah for deliverance (Zechariah 12:10). And at that time Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) will return from Heaven to deliver His people, and to set up His everlasting kingdom which shall never be destroyed. Jesus Christ is coming back. He hasn't told us exactly when He will come, but He has promised He will come (John 14:3), and His promises are true and faithful (Revelation 19:11). Are you ready to meet Him? Have your sins been forgiven? Trust in Jesus Christ for salvation today.

Matthew 25:5-6
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Source Jewish Times, Arutz 7, YNet News, YNet News, YNet News, YNet News, Reuters
