Salah calls for third intifada to defend Al-AqsaPrint
Written by Chris Perver  
Thursday, 15 February 2007 17:00
Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque passed off peacefully today, although that may have had something to do with the presence of around 3000 Israeli police officers stationed at the site. Around 6000 Muslims attended the Mosque today, amid continuing controversy over the excavation work being carried out by Israel at the Mugrabi gate. Dozens of Muslims did riot against police in Jerusalem, after a speech given by the head of the Islamic movement Sheikh Raed Salah, calling for a third intifada to save the Al-Aqsa Mosque from "Israeli crimes". 

Quote: ""Israeli history is drenched in blood," Israel Radio quoted Salah as saying. "They want to build their Temple while our blood is on their clothing, on their doorposts, in their food and in their water."

Muslim extremists in Srinagar, Kashmir also called for a strike to protest the construction work being carried out at the Temple Mount. You would think such provocative statements would get a mention on the mainstream news agencies. I did a search for "Israeli history is drenched in blood". Not one Western news agency covered the sermon. In fact, the BBC even mentions our friend the Sheikh and his arrest during a protest yesterday, but fails to mention anything about his calls for a third intifada against Israel...

Quote: "But the leader of the Islamic movement, Sheikh Raed Salah, remains banned from the site after being arrested during earlier protests.

In fact, the only provocation the BBC mentions is Israel's construction near the Mount, "Israel says the work is needed to repair a walkway up to the compound. But Palestinian leaders see the work as a huge provocation". And the reason for the Islamic protests have become clear. The Mugrabi walkway, which collapsed several years ago, is the only access route non-Muslims have onto the Temple Mount. If it weren't for this walkway, no Christians or Jews would be able to visit the holy site. Muslims do not want this walkway repaired so that they will have total dominance over the area and the Jews will never be able to rebuild their Temple.

Quote: ""The Arabs actually want the Mughrabi Gate passway to collapse," Knesset Member Aryeh Eldad said this week, "so that they will be able to close the only gate that is under Jewish control. That will end the era of Jewish visitation rights to the Temple Mount. They have been waiting for this for a long time, and that's why they don't want us to refurbish it."

But you won't hear that mentioned on the mainstream media. Instead you will hear that Israel is inciting Islamic anger by their actions, and threaten the foundations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. 

Source Haaretz, BBC, Arutz 7
